Friday, June 25, 2010

I need my unemployment benefits!

Below is a copy of an email I sent to my senator today. I have been afraid of this ever since I stopped working. My small family owned company went out of business last year and though I thought I would find a job easily, I have been without one for almost a year. I have had a lot of jobs. I'm not one of those people who sticks with a company from graduation to retirement. I've looked for and found a lot of jobs before, easily. This economy is different. If this isn't a depression, I don't want to see a real one.

I'm looking for a middle manager job in financial services. I don't need to be a CEO; I'm not looking for over $100,000. I just want an 8-5 job, in my city, that pays in the mid five figures. I have interviewed for exactly four positions in the past 10 months. One was a sales job for a fly-by-night-seeming company. I haven't got a salesman's bone in my body. One had a little too much sales in it (though knowing what I know now, I should have taken this.) The next one, I really wanted, but they haven't hired the position in the four month since I interviewed. I have no idea what's going on there. I'm being considered for one I interviewed for a month ago and have had a second interview. But they aren't making any decisions for a couple of months. I'm considering making them a mix tape and playing it out on their lawn until they hire me - a la Say Anything.

There just aren't any jobs out there to be had. Period. So discontinue my unemployment benefits, then I'll use up my retirement and the kids college funds (which haven't seen any contributions for a year either.) But then expect to see me lined up at the welfare office. I promised the Chinese government I would take care of these kids and I don't feel like I'm doing that great a job of it. Maybe I should look for work in China. Sigh.

I understand you voted against exending unemployment benefits. I know there is concern about the deficit. However, families' abilities to pay their bills is being threatened. 15 million Americans can't find a job. Unemployment is not creating another entitlement or disincenting people from looking for work. It is a necessary stop gap to keep families from turning to welfare.

I have been out of work for almost a year. I am a single parent to two small children. Unemployment is not a free ride to financial security - it barely covers my mortgage payment. But it DOES cover my mortgage payment. Which leaves me to depend on help from my family and friends to cover the rest of our needs.

If unemployment is taken away, I will lose my house. How is throwing a woman and two children out on the street beneficial to our country?

Republicans keep talking about not wanting to burden our children and grandchildren with debt, but if they are not supported NOW, they will not be around to care about a future debt.

Any aid that is given directly to families helps much more than what is given to corporations to "create jobs." No one is creating jobs - they are just lining the pockets of the CEOs with bonuses for doing SUCH a great job of managing their companies into the ground.

Please reconsider your vote on this!