Monday, June 21, 2010


Hi. I am an adoptive mom of two girls from China. Just wanted to have a place to note interesting/funny/annoying things about motherhood. I love my kids to pieces and they drive me batty in equal proportion - hence the name of the blog. I'm currently unemployed -for the past 12 months, but who's counting? Oh yeah, the federal government - I'm almost out of unemployment benefits. Come on and pass the extension at least one more time. There's nothing like poverty to make you appreciate bigger government!
But I digress...I have daughter #1, who's almost 10, and was adopted at age 11 mos in 2001. Daughter #2 is 7 1/2 and was adopted at age 13 mos in 2004. They are both from Hunan province and people mistake them for twins all the time, even though they are 6 inches different in height, 10 pounds in weight and look nothing alike.
The second most popular comment I get after "Are they twins?" is "Are they real sisters?" I know people who don't know anything about adoption are not trying to be bone headed, but come on. I usually answer, "Not biologically, no." And most people get the hint and fall all over themselves saying, "Oh, yeah, that's what I meant."
I know its hard not to comment on people's families when you're out and about. I used to wonder how to ask other people where their apparently adopted kids were from without invading privacy/asking a stupid question/offending them. Then I realized, there really is no way of doing that, so I just keep my mouth shut. Why do I have to know? My curiousity does not entitle me to know anything about random strangers.
If there is a connection of some sort - we're on the same softball team, your kids are in my kid's class, etc. Then I will allow a gentle question. Are your kids adopted? is probably the best one. You can't just assume. I know a blonde mom who has three very dark skinned/haired kids. If you saw her alone at after school pickup, you might assume her kids were adopted. But if you look closely, except for the coloring, they look just like her. Her husband is Filipino. You know what they say about why you can't assume. So true.

Let's see, what else. I decided while employment was so iffy, that I would go back to school. I'm working on a masters in counseling psychology. I'm currently not studying for a weekend intensive class I have coming up. The reading seems to be pretty dry considering the subject matter is abnormal psych. Hope the classroom discussions are more lively.

Right now I smell burning food, so I must go investigate before my house burns down. I love summer break...